Hello there
Well I've finally done it! Yes, here is my first attempt at a webpage. It is something that I've wanted to do for a while, but as any author will know, you put off what you can, whenever you can.
The main reason that I have written this site is so that you can find out a bit about me as well as look at some of the things I've been doing, and even get a taster of some of my scrivenings. I have tried to make it easy for you to navigate around, but if you think this place can be improved then don't hesitate to Contact me.
Hey get me, I've got a blog! hehe! The last time I had anything related to a diary, computers weren't mainstream. I don't yet know what I'll write in it, but I'll try and think of regular things to add to it... the life of an ordinary man!
Also, you may have noticed, the About page is a bit sparce. It's taken so much of my time putting what I have so far on this site and will take a bit more time, but come back and I'm sure it won't be long before I'll have it filled up.