I've always been an avid film watcher. I enjoy all types of filmage from chicklits to hard core horrors (not at the same time of course!) I used to spend thousands of pounds collecting all the new films as they came out on tape, and then when DVD's came out I spent the same again changing them to the new format but now with the digital revolution bringing us things like Netflix and iTunes, I've kind of stopped buying new ones. I think that it'll end up that all films will be available by streaming so really there's no point any more.
I my first attempt at writing was actually because of films. I had an ability of noticing the silly things, continuity errors and the likes on them... I know that sounds geeky now and everyone seems to be doing it, but I'm talking about back in the nineties when I was living up in Oxford. I think it started with noticing the music board behind Lisa at the start of The Simpsons, the first brief glimpse of the board shows an array of musical notes, the next pan around shows it to be empty.
I used to write down all the errors that I found, not the kind where the boom mic comes down but the proper ones like someone walking through a door and their jumper changes or they leave an electrical socket exposed when it's set in the 1700's. I was very friendly with the guy that owned the Blockbusters in Headington, Oxford where I hired most of my films in those days. We did a deal that I would hire the films for free and write him a list each week of the continuity errors so he could photocopy them and hand them out to whoever was interested - it was good fun.
I did have plans to write them all into a book, which I do still have, getting all dusty and the like, but I realised after a year or so that film producers take out errors when they are re-printed, and also it was a project that could never be finished. After I'd stopped looking, I lost the ability to see them so well and now enjoy a film for what it is without the constant searching for what is wrong with it.