
This is where half of my writing is done, a little table in the corner of my bedroom. This is usually were I will be found first thing in the morning a couple of hours before work.



chat Sasquatch. Over the next week or two I'm planning to revamp an old screenplay about Bigfoot, which I wrote a couple of years ago but never finished, and if truth be known I lost my way with a bit. However, I've been writing notes, yes even researching and now think it needs a bit of attention. I don't intend turning it into a novel after I've finished the screenplay quite yet, I've got too much to do on other stories I'm on... but at least when the play is finished I'll have another story to do another time when I've got more time.

Hobbies - Writing

editAh, you've come here, the real reason why I have set up this website! Don't worry I'm not trying to sell you anything.

If you have been taking notice then you'll know that writing novels is quite a large part of my life. I have written a fair few novels, screenplays and even a gameshow, and up to now have had only a small, select audience.

It is always difficult to judge whether what you write has actually any quality if its only family and friends who gets to read what you've put down on paper. Unfortunately, the people who have read most of my stuff aren't exactly critics, and although I like the stories I come up with, I've not know until recently whether they were of a quality to be published.

Fred Deakin
Design Engineer / Author

Earlier in 2012, I decided to contact a professor who lives in St.Keverne. My idea was to give someone outside of my circle of people and see how someone who'd never heard of me perceives what I write. He was a lovely old man, quite frail and wasn't in the best of health. We had a chat and it was a couple of weeks before he agreed to read a couple of my manuscripts and give his opinion.

The reason why it took a so long for him to say yes, was that right from the start he told me that he didn't read, or for that matter like, fantasy books. Worse than that, when I told him that The Late Christmas, one of the stories I really wanted an unbias opinion of, was set in the United States of America, he quite literally turned up his nose.

It was another two weeks before I saw him again after dropping off the manuscripts, and I admit I was quite worried to hear what he'd have to say... I shouldn't have been concerned, his words about the first manuscript, which apparently he read in two days because he couldn't put it down was that 'he was enchanted' by it.

I have been told many times that I should get some of my stuff published, which to be truthful is a bit of a dream. I would love to be able to write full time, but maybe that is something that might not happen; we've all got to have a dream though.

In the Scrivenings section of this site are some snippets of some of my stories. You are more than welcome to have a read, and if you do then please give me a shout to tell me what you think, good or bad. If you like something then all you have to do is ask and I'll send you the rest of the storys.