I lived very much in a fantasy world when I was younger, and I think that followed me very much into my teens. I don't know if this is normal, but it seemed normal to me. I believe even now at the grand old age of forty-seven that I still have that fantasy element swirling around my head, which I let out now through writing.
The only other memory I really have from around that same period when we were living with my Grandparents was having tonsillitus. I suffered for long periods when I was a kid with tonsillitus, the doctors then said that I would grow out of it - when I got older they said that I should have had them out when I was a kid - go figure! Anyways, I was very ill for a few days while staying there and certainly during the days I was put in someone elses bedroom. I must have been very young because all I recall is sitting on the potty at the end of the bed for hours on end - I think there's a theme to my younger years! I believe even now that half the reason I didn't get off the potty, was that there was, to a young lad at least, a very scary painting of Jesus on the wall above the headboard - for a long time I got the creeps from that picture.
After living with my grandparents, which I think must have been in Carshalton in Surrey, the next place of rememberance was a shop my parents rented in Wrythe Green. This is where memories become a bit more prominent: Getting in Airfix modelling; being ill again and in bed, my dad coming home with a new model of a Volkswagon Bettle and a tube of glue. Squeezing the glue and not realising I should have broken the pip to let it out, and it squirting from the bottom of the tube and going all over the bed.
I also remember on my birthday, my mother and I going across the green to the shops. On the way back a fog came in so dense that I couldn't see my hand right in front of my face. However, the most vivid one from those times was seeing my first coloured man. There was young lad, probably in his teens, working at the Chip Shop just a few doors up the road. This must have been at the time when the tomb of Tutankhamun was made public and I'm at some point I heard about it. For some reason I believed that this young lad was Tutankhamum... I was actually quite releived when one evening I was playing in the small yard area and a plume of black smoke rising up over the roof, and then hearing that the Chip Shop had burnt down.
My Past
On the 9th December 1965 a child was born in the town of Swannage, Dorset. At that early stage of my life, legend has it that my Mother was staying with a family called the Pipers. I don't remember anything about being down there and my first memory is of falling out of my cot and banging my head on the skirting board of a flat in South London.
I think like most people, I don't have full memories of my very young years, just a few snippets. I think my next strong memory is of being on the toilet one morning at my Nana & Grandads. My Dad was going to work and I could hear him from down the hall saying his goodbyes to my mother. I could only have been about three, and at the time couldn't bear the thought of missing saying goodbye to him. I quickly slipped up my pyjama bottoms and ran down the stairs - clunching my little bum cheeks as I went.
I did manage to say goodbye, but I do remember my mother having to do a bit of cleaning up on me as soon as the door had closed behind him :)