

chatWe were asked at the beginning of the year whether we would like to take part in an engineering documentary - for some reason I said yes! Actually it was a fun day, except when I was being filmed. If you want to see it large, click here.

Unfortunately, the week before filming we had a couple of very large separators in the factory, over seven metres long and three metres high, but they had already been shipped out so you don't get to see in the film us working on the things we do best. Boy I do hate to see myself behind a lens!

Stetfield Separators Limited

editStetfield started when both my business partner, Martin and I were made redundant from the company, making the same kind of equiptment, in 2004! We both felt that we could not only do a better job of running a business than the directors of the previous one, but we would focus on quality rather than the quantity, which seemed to be the ethios up to then.

Working from both our homes, mine down near the Lizard and Martin from his house in Mevagissy, we soon outgrew the confines and so in January 2006 we started our new factory in Penryn. Since then we have had many ups and downs, but somehow through all the stresses of cash-flow and the constant other problems with running a fully-fledged factory, we've kept growing.

Below are a few photographs of our separators, which basically are large tanks made to separate free-oils from water at speed. Our clients include some of the top names in manufacturing industries, Nuclear power companies, Train depots and even airports. If you want to visit the main website then click here.

Fred Deakin
Design Engineer & Writer