Margeret Head


Margeret Head Barzillai Beckerleg John Beckerleg Elizabeth Beckerleg Margaret Beckerleg Martha Beckerleg Honour Beckerleg Eleanour Beckerleg James Beckerleg Barzillai Beckerleg Catherine Beckerleg Thomas Beckerleg


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth

Partners & Children

Partners Date of Birth Children
 Barzillai Beckerleg 1726  John Beckerleg
 Elizabeth Beckerleg
 Margaret Beckerleg
 Martha Beckerleg
 Honour Beckerleg
 Eleanour Beckerleg
 James Beckerleg
 Barzillai Beckerleg
 Catherine Beckerleg
 Thomas Beckerleg


Event Type Date Place Description
Birth 1729






NameDegree of KinshipDate of BirthPlace of BirthDate of DeathPlace of Death
Barzillai BeckerlegPartner or Husband1726
Barzillai BeckerlegSon
Catherine BeckerlegDaughter
Eleanour BeckerlegDaughter1767
Elizabeth BeckerlegDaughter
Honour BeckerlegDaughter
James BeckerlegSon21st January 17704th December 1831
John BeckerlegSon
Margaret BeckerlegDaughter
Martha BeckerlegDaughter
Thomas BeckerlegSon1767
Barzillai BeckerlegGrandson
Catherine James BeckerlegGranddaughter
Edward BeckerlegGrandson24th June 1804Paul1841
James Gwavas BeckerlegGrandson25th January 1795Paul15th December 1855
John BeckerlegGrandson25th November 1805Paul1st June 1828
Richard Chimham BeckerlegGrandson7th February 18031st May 1826
Thomas BeckerlegGrandson6th May 1798
Thomas BeckerlegGrandson
William Kelynack BeckerlegGrandson
Barzillai BeckerlegGrandson1807PEnzance, Cornwall, England1876
Arthur James BeckerlegGrandson1817Penzance, Cornwall, EnglandMarch 1895Penzance, Cornwall, England
Great grandchildren
Arthur James BeckerlegGreat grandson6th November 1852Penzance, Cornwall, England
Barzillai BeckerlegGreat grandson1871
Elizabeth James BeckerlegGreat granddaughter
James Gawvas BeckerlegGreat grandson
James Gawvas BeckerlegGreat grandson
Richard Chimham BeckerlegGreat grandson1828Penzance, Cornwall, England
John Francis BeckerlegGreat grandson1837
Margaret G BeckerlegGreat granddaughter1855Penzance, Cornwall, England
Alice Morcom BeckerlegGreat granddaughter1856September 1878Redruth, Cornwall, England
Grace M BeckerlegGreat granddaughter1859Penzance, Cornwall, England
Second grandchildren
Barzillai BeckerlegSecond granddaughter
Gordon Raby BeckerlegSecond grandson7th November 1900May 1984
Arthur BeckerlegSecond grandson1857
Arthur James BeckerlegSecond grandson1883Redruth, Cornwall, England
William John BeckerlegSecond grandsonabt. 1889Redruth
Grace Morcom BeckerlegSecond granddaughter1891Penzance, Cornwall, England
George Rolles BeckerlegSecond grandsonabt. 1894
Third grandchildren
Diane TremayneThird granddaughter
Gordon Arthur Eustace BeckerlegThird grandson14th April 1931October 1992
Hilda BeckerlegThird granddaughter
Louisa TremayneThird granddaughter
Richard TremayneThird grandson
Robert Clifton BeckerlegThird grandson16th October 1911
Thomas Michael BeckerlegThird grandson8th October 1939
Arthur James BeckerlegThird grandson1910
Fourth grandchildren
Arthur James BeckerlegFourth grandson
Bobby BeckerlegFourth grandson
Isabel Gail Beckerleg (Burley)Fourth granddaughter2nd February 1970
John BeckerlegFourth grandson
Mary Ellen BeckerlegFourth granddaughter17th October 1966
Michael Gordon Kennedy BeckerlegFourth grandson8th October 1972
Sara Mavis BeckerlegFourth granddaughter22nd February 1968
Janet BeckerlegFourth granddaughterOctober 1940
Ian HetheringtonFourth grandson1954
Susan Patricia BeckerlegFourth granddaughter1954
Katherine Anne BeckerlegFourth granddaughter1957
Fifth grandchildren
Alessia IntrigilaFifth granddaughter4th August 1995
Claudia Heather BeckerlegFifth granddaughter7th January 2002
Daniele IntrigilaFifth grandson24th September 2001
Gordon WestFifth grandson
Ian WestFifth grandson
John WestFifth grandson
Kera Rothsein WestFifth granddaughter
Kyle Michael GuestFifth grandson15th June 1994
Malcolm BillettFifth grandson
Mason Storm Deakin-BeckerlegFifth grandson18th September 1993Treliske Hospital, Truro, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Roger BillettFifth grandson
Sammy Jo (UNKNOWN)Fifth grandson
Stacey GuestFifth granddaughter6th October 1992
Steve Deakin-BeckerlegFifth grandson30th July 1991Treliske Hospital, Truro, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Torin Matthew Trevethick-BeckerlegFifth grandson6th December 1999
Phillip HetheringtonFifth grandson1972
Fergus BeckerlegFifth grandsonApril 1999
Matteo BeckerlegFifth grandsonMay 1999
6th grandchildren
Lexie May Paskin6th granddaughter13th August 2011

World History

Date Event Category
21 Mar 1685 - 28 Jul 1750 (-44.3) - 21.1 Life of Johann Sebastian Bach Personalities
24 May 1686 - 16 Sep 1736 (-43.1) - 7.2 Life of Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit Personalities
18 Jan 1689 - 10 Feb 1755 (-40.5) - 25.6 Life of Charles De Secondat, Baron de Montequieu Personalities
17 Jan 1706 - 17 Apr 1790 (-23.5) - 60.8 Life of Benjamin Franklin Personalities
22 Feb 1732 - 14 Dec 1799 2.6 - 70.5 Life of George Washington Personalities
23 Dec 1732 - 5 Aug 1792 3.5 - 63.1 Life of Richard Arkwright Personalities
1737 8.0 Dissolution of the House of Medici Italy
28 Aug 1749 - 22 Mar 1832 20.2 - 102.8 Life of Johann Wolfgang Goethe Personalities
1 Nov 1755 26.4 Great Lisbon Earthquake Disasters
1756 - 1763 27.0 - 34.0 Seven Years' War Wars & Military Conflicts
10 Feb 1763 33.6 Treaty of 1763 ('Peace of Paris'), Spain cedes Florida to Britain. USA
15 Aug 1769 - 5 May 1821 40.2 - 91.9 Life of Napoléon Bonaparte Personalities
17 Dec 1770 - 26 Mar 1827 41.5 - 97.8 Life of Ludwig von Beethoven Personalities
16 Dec 1773 44.5 Boston Tea Party USA
20 Jan 1775 - 10 Jun 1836 45.6 - 107.0 Life of André Marie Ampère Personalities
4 Jul 1776 47.0 Declaration of Independence USA
3 Sep 1783 54.2 Treaty of Paris 1783, end of the American War of Independence USA
30 Apr 1789 - 4 Mar 1797 59.9 - 67.7 President of the United States of America: George Washington USA - Presidents
14 Jul 1789 60.1 Storming of the Bastille France
3 Sep 1791 62.2 Adoption of the first French Constitution France
1792 - 1800 63.0 - 71.0 Construction period of the White House Monuments
22 Sep 1792 63.3 Proclamation of the first French Republic France
1794 65.0 First railway steam locomotive Technology
1795 66.0 Start of the exploration of the Niger Discoveries & Colonization
22 Jul 1795 66.1 Peace of Basel Spain
14 Feb 1797 67.7 Battle of Cape St. Vincent Spain
30 Oct 1797 - 4 Mar 1801 68.4 - 71.7 President of the United States of America: John Adams USA - Presidents
1799 70.0 Establishment of JPMorgan Chase Companies
4 Mar 1801 - 4 Mar 1809 71.7 - 79.7 President of the United States of America: Thomas Jefferson USA - Presidents
1802 73.0 Establishment of DuPont Companies
20 Mar 1804 - 6 Apr 1814 74.8 - 84.8 Emperor of France: Napoleon I France
2 Dec 1804 75.5 Napoleon crowns himself Emperor of the French France
1 Sep 1808 - 15 Jan 1812 79.2 - 82.6 Junta Suprema Central Spain
12 Feb 1809 - 15 Apr 1865 79.7 - 135.9 Life of Abraham Lincoln Personalities
12 Feb 1809 - 19 Apr 1882 79.7 - 152.9 Life of Charles Robert Darwin Personalities
4 Mar 1809 - 4 Mar 1817 79.7 - 87.7 President of the United States of America: James Madison USA - Presidents
1810 81.1 Establishment of Krupp Companies
7 Feb 1812 - 9 Jun 1870 82.7 - 141.0 Life of Charles John Huffam Dickens Personalities
18 Jun 1812 83.0 War of 1812 between the United States of America and the British Empire starts. USA
1812 83.1 Establishment of Citibank Companies
18 Sep 1813 - 9 Jun 1815 84.3 - 86.0 Congress of Vienna Europian Union
11 Dec 1813 84.5 Treaty of Valençay Spain
22 Jun 1815 - 7 Jul 1815 86.0 - 86.1 Emperor of France: Napoleon II France
1816 87.1 Invention of the stethoscope Medicine
1816 87.1 Establishment of the American Colonization Society Discoveries & Colonization
13 Dec 1816 - 6 Dec 1892 87.5 - 163.5 Life of Werner von Siemens Personalities
4 Mar 1817 - 4 Mar 1825 87.7 - 95.7 President of the United States of America: James Monroe USA - Presidents
18 Oct 1817 - 19 Oct 1817 88.4 Wartburg Festival Germany
1818 89.1 First blood transfusion Medicine