Ellen K Wells


Ellen K Wells John Wells Robert Wells Mary (UNKNOWN) Jessie Mclaren


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth
 John Wells  Jessie Mclaren

Partners & Children

Partners Date of Birth Children







NameDegree of KinshipDate of BirthPlace of BirthDate of DeathPlace of Death
Brothers & Sisters
Barbara A WellsSister
Gertrude WellsSister
Mary WellsSister
Jessie MclarenMother
John WellsFather
Mary (UNKNOWN)Grandmother
Robert WellsGrandfather
Nephews & Nieces
Charles HankinsNephew
Donald HankinsNephew
Joan HankinsNiece
Muriel HankinsNiece
Pauline Joyce HankinsNiece29th March 1923Croydon, Kent, England10th September 2001Sutton, Surrey, England
Percy (Sammy) HankinsNephew
Stella HankinsNiece
Grandnephews & Grandnieces
Bruno TurnerGrandnephew
Cedric SansomGrandnephew
Coral ClarkGrandniece
David JuraschkaGrandnephew
Jean HankinsGrandniece
Keith HankinsGrandnephew
Linda HankinsGrandniece
Nicola CorbridgeGrandniece
Nigel TurnerGrandnephew
Pamela HankinsGrandniece
Patricia HankinsGrandniece
Paula Steele-Turner (Deakin)Grandniece7th June 1946Surrey North Western, Surrey, England
Petrina CorbridgeGrandniece
Rogon CorbridgeGrandnephew
Timothy TurnerGrandnieceJune 1948Surrey Mid Eastern, Surrey, England
Great grandnephews & Great grandnieces
Amber DeakinGreat grandniece12th February 1980Truro, Cornwall, England
Benjamin TurnerGreat grandnephew
Bernadette PicaGreat grandniece
Billy George DeakinGreat grandnephew21st June 1978Truro, Truro, Cornwall
Claire M WilkinsGreat grandniece
Emma A TurnerGreat grandniece
Fred DeakinGreat grandnephew9th December 1965Wareham, Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom
Jeremy NottGreat grandnephew
Justin M WilliamsGreat grandnephew
Karen A WilkinsGreat grandniece
Mary S TurnerGreat grandniece
Oliver TurnerGreat grandnephew
Patrick PicaGreat grandnephew
Sally H TurnerGreat grandniece
Tracy DeakinGreat grandniece25th June 1970St. Helier Hospital, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom
Trudi NottGreat grandniece
Second grandnephews & Second grandnieces
Amie Lambert-DeakinSecond grandniece
Callum PicaSecond grandnephew
Issac WrightSecond grandnephew
James R TownsendSecond grandnephew
Joshua LyonsSecond grandnephew
Lily Lambert-DeakinSecond grandniece
Lulu C TownsendSecond grandniece
Mason Storm Deakin-BeckerlegSecond grandnephew18th September 1993Treliske Hospital, Truro, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Samuel JacksonSecond grandnephew
Steve Deakin-BeckerlegSecond grandnephew30th July 1991Treliske Hospital, Truro, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Uncles & Aunts
Helen WellsAunt
Lilias WellsAunt
Mary Anne WellsAunt

World History