Timothy Turner


Timothy Turner Leslie Ashton Steele-Turner James Joseph Turner Kate Elizabeth Steel Pauline Joyce Hankins Percy S C Hankins Gertrude Wells


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth
 Leslie Ashton Steele-Turner 14th August 1920  Pauline Joyce Hankins 29th March 1923

Partners & Children

Partners Date of Birth Children


Event Type Date Place Description
Birth June 1948 Surrey Mid Eastern, Surrey, England






NameDegree of KinshipDate of BirthPlace of BirthDate of DeathPlace of Death
Brothers & Sisters
Bruno TurnerBrother
Nigel TurnerBrother
Paula Steele-Turner (Deakin)Sister7th June 1946Surrey North Western, Surrey, England
Leslie Ashton Steele-TurnerFather14th August 1920Southwark, London, EnglandMarch 1982Sutton, Greater London, England
Pauline Joyce HankinsMother29th March 1923Croydon, Kent, England10th September 2001Sutton, Surrey, England
Gertrude WellsGrandmother
Percy S C HankinsGrandfather
Kate Elizabeth SteelGrandmotherSeptember 1893Kennington, London, England
James Joseph TurnerGrandfatherSeptember 1894St. Olave, Southwark, London, England
Great grandparents
Charles W TurnerGreat grandfather
Elizabeth MorrisGreat grandmother
Jessie MclarenGreat grandmother
John WellsGreat grandfather
Mary Ann WilliamsGreat grandmother
Rosa (Rosetta) WooldridgeGreat grandmother
Samuel S HankinsGreat grandfather
Thomas E SteelGreat grandfather
Second great grandparents
Charles HankinsSecond great grandfather
Edward TurnerSecond great grandfather
Elizabeth A ManningSecond great grandmother
Elizabeth MannSecond great grandmother
Harriet DyerSecond great grandmother
Harriet SmithSecond great grandmother
Henry SteelSecond great grandfather
Martha (UNKNOWN)Second great grandmother
Mary (UNKNOWN)Second great grandmother
Robert WellsSecond great grandfather
William MorrisSecond great grandfather
William WilliamsSecond great grandfather
Third great grandparents
ArabellaThird great grandmother
Charles TurnerThird great grandfather
ElizabethThird great grandmother
JemimaThird great grandmother
Susan (UNKNOWN)Third great grandmother
Thomas ManningThird great grandfather
Thomas SteelThird great grandfather
William MorrisThird great grandfather
Nephews & Nieces
Amber DeakinNiece12th February 1980Truro, Cornwall, England
Benjamin TurnerNephew
Billy George DeakinNephew21st June 1978Truro, Truro, Cornwall
Emma A TurnerNiece
Fred DeakinNephew9th December 1965Wareham, Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom
Mary S TurnerNiece
Oliver TurnerNephew
Sally H TurnerNiece
Tracy DeakinNiece25th June 1970St. Helier Hospital, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom
Grandnephews & Grandnieces
Amie Lambert-DeakinGrandniece
Issac WrightGrandnephew
James R TownsendGrandnephew
Joshua LyonsGrandnephew
Lily Lambert-DeakinGrandniece
Lulu C TownsendGrandniece
Mason Storm Deakin-BeckerlegGrandnephew18th September 1993Treliske Hospital, Truro, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Steve Deakin-BeckerlegGrandnephew30th July 1991Treliske Hospital, Truro, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Uncles & Aunts
Charles HankinsUncle
Donald HankinsUncle
Joan HankinsAunt
Muriel HankinsAunt
Percy (Sammy) HankinsUncle
Stella HankinsAunt
Valerie Steele-TurnerAunt
Great uncles & Great aunts
Barbara A WellsGreat aunt
Ellen K WellsGreat aunt
Emily F HankinsGreat aunt
Joseph DaneyGreat uncle
Mary WellsGreat aunt
Great great (uncles & aunts)
Charles HankinsGreat great uncle
Edward TurnerGreat great uncle
Elizabeth TurnerGreat great aunt
Frederick WilliamsGreat great uncle
Helen WellsGreat great aunt
James HankinsGreat great uncle
John WilliamsGreat great uncle
Lilias WellsGreat great aunt
Mary Anne WellsGreat great aunt
Mathius MorrisGreat great uncle
3xGreat (uncles & aunts)
Ann Steel3xGreat aunt
Caroline Steel3xGreat aunt
Charles Turner3xGreat uncle
Edwin Steel3xGreat uncle
Frederic Turner3xGreat uncle
Jemima Turner3xGreat aunt
Mary Steel3xGreat aunt
Sophia Steel3xGreat aunt
Thomas Manning3xGreat uncle
William Manning3xGreat uncle
William Turner3xGreat uncle
Andrew J BeilbyFirst cousin (m)
Cedric SansomFirst cousin (m)
Coral ClarkFirst cousin (f)
David JuraschkaFirst cousin (m)
Deborah A BeilbyFirst cousin (f)
Jean HankinsFirst cousin (f)
Keith HankinsFirst cousin (m)
Linda C BeilbyFirst cousin (f)
Linda HankinsFirst cousin (f)
Nicola CorbridgeFirst cousin (f)
Pamela HankinsFirst cousin (f)
Patricia HankinsFirst cousin (f)
Petrina CorbridgeFirst cousin (f)
Rogon CorbridgeFirst cousin (m)
Second cousins
Jane BuckleSecond cousin (f)
1st cousins once removed up
Barbara Dowden1st cousin once removed up (f)
1st cousins once removed
Bernadette Pica1st cousin once removed (f)
Carly Powell1st cousin once removed (f)
Claire M Wilkins1st cousin once removed (f)
Hannah Dawes1st cousin once removed (f)
James S Beilby1st cousin once removed (m)
Jeremy Nott1st cousin once removed (m)
Justin M Williams1st cousin once removed (m)
Karen A Wilkins1st cousin once removed (f)
Kerry Powell1st cousin once removed (f)
Patrick Pica1st cousin once removed (m)
Rebecca L Beilby1st cousin once removed (f)
Trudi Nott1st cousin once removed (f)
Zoe Dawes1st cousin once removed (f)
1st cousins twice removed
Callum Pica1st cousin twice removed (m)
Flynn Manning1st cousin twice removed (m)
Samuel Jackson1st cousin twice removed (m)

World History

Date Event Category
30 Nov 1874 - 24 Jan 1965 (-73.6) - 16.7 Life of Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill Personalities
5 Jan 1876 - 19 Apr 1967 (-72.5) - 18.9 Life of Konrad Adenauer Personalities
14 Mar 1879 - 18 Apr 1955 (-69.3) - 6.9 Life of Albert Einstein Personalities
6 Aug 1881 - 11 Mar 1955 (-66.9) - 6.8 Life of Alexander Fleming Personalities
21 Jan 1884 - 12 Dec 1963 (-64.4) - 15.5 Life of Theodor Heuss Personalities
14 Oct 1890 - 28 Mar 1969 (-57.7) - 20.8 Life of Dwight David Eisenhower Personalities
5 Dec 1901 - 15 Dec 1966 (-46.5) - 18.6 Life of Walter Elias Disney Personalities
29 May 1917 - 22 Nov 1963 (-31.0) - 15.5 Life of John F. Kennedy Personalities
14 Jun 1928 - 9 Oct 1967 (-20.0) - 19.4 Life of Che Guevara Personalities
15 Jan 1929 - 4 Apr 1968 (-19.4) - 19.9 Life of Martin Luther King Personalities
5 Aug 1930 - 25 Aug 2012 (-17.8) - 64.3 Life of Neil Armstrong Personalities
11 Dec 1936 - 6 Feb 1952 (-11.5) - 3.7 Queen consort of the United Kingdom: Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon 'Queen Mum' Great Britain
12 Apr 1945 - 20 Jan 1953 (-3.1) - 4.6 President of the United States of America: Harry S. Truman USA - Presidents
21 Dec 1948 0.6 Republic of Ireland Act Great Britain
23 May 1949 1.0 Establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany Germany
1949 1.1 Establishment of Circuit City Companies
15 Sep 1949 - 16 Oct 1963 1.3 - 15.4 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Konrad Adenauer Germany - Chancellors
7 Oct 1949 1.4 Establishment of the German Democratic Repulbic Germany
11 Oct 1949 - 7 Sep 1960 1.4 - 12.3 Wilhelm Pieck - State President of the GDR GDR
17 Jun 1950 2.0 First successful organ transplant Medicine
1950 - 1953 2.1 - 5.1 Korean War Wars & Military Conflicts
22 Jan 1952 3.6 First jet airliner in regular commercial use Aviation History
6 Feb 1952 - Today 3.7 Queen of the United Kingdom: Elizabeth II Great Britain
20 Jan 1953 - 20 Jan 1961 4.6 - 12.6 President of the United States of America: Dwight D. Eisenhower USA - Presidents
17 Jun 1953 5.0 Uprising of June 17, 1953 in East Germany Germany
24 Feb 1955 - 5 Oct 2011 6.7 - 63.4 Life of Steven 'Steve' Paul Jobs Personalities
4 Oct 1957 9.3 Sputnik launched: first artificial satellite in Earth's orbit Technology
5 Oct 1958 10.4 Begin of the 5th French Republic France
1959 - 30 Apr 1975 11.1 - 26.9 Vietnam War Wars & Military Conflicts
1960 - 1973 12.1 - 25.1 Walter Ulbricht - Chairman of the Council of State of the GDR GDR
20 Jan 1961 - 22 Nov 1963 12.6 - 15.5 President of the United States of America: John F. Kennedy USA - Presidents
12 Apr 1961 12.9 First human in space Technology
25 May 1961 - 24 Jul 1975 13.0 - 27.2 Apollo Space Program Technology
13 Aug 1961 13.2 Construction of the Berlin Wall Germany
11 Oct 1962 - 8 Dec 1965 14.4 - 17.5 Second Vatican Council World
16 Oct 1962 - 28 Oct 1962 14.4 Cuban Missile Crisis ('October Crisis') USA
16 Oct 1963 - 1 Dec 1966 15.4 - 18.5 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Ludwig Erhard Germany - Chancellors
22 Nov 1963 - 20 Jan 1969 15.5 - 20.7 President of the United States of America: Lyndon B. Johnson USA - Presidents
1966 - 1973 18.1 - 25.1 Construction period of the World Trade Center Monuments
1 Dec 1966 - 21 Oct 1969 18.5 - 21.4 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Kurt Georg Kiesinger Germany - Chancellors
1967 19.1 Founding of the European Community (EC) Europian Union
20 Jan 1969 - 9 Aug 1974 20.7 - 26.2 President of the United States of America: Richard Nixon USA - Presidents
20 Jul 1969 21.1 First Man on the Moon Technology
21 Oct 1969 - 7 May 1974 21.4 - 25.9 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Willy Brandt Germany - Chancellors
31 Oct 1969 21.4 Establishment of Wal Mart Companies
21 Jul 1972 24.2 Bloody Friday Great Britain
1973 - 1976 25.1 - 28.1 Willi Stoph - Chairman of the Council of State of the GDR GDR
16 May 1974 - 1 Oct 1982 26.0 - 34.4 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Helmut Schmidt Germany - Chancellors
9 Aug 1974 - 20 Jan 1977 26.2 - 28.7 President of the United States of America: Gerald Ford USA - Presidents
20 Nov 1975 27.5 Franco's Death, end of the Francoist regime Spain
1 Apr 1976 27.9 Apple Computer is established Apple Inc. - Corporate History
1976 - 1989 28.1 - 41.1 Erich Honecker - Chairman of the Council of State of the GDR GDR
20 Jan 1977 - 20 Jan 1981 28.7 - 32.7 President of the United States of America: Jimmy Carter USA - Presidents
16 Apr 1977 28.9 Introduction of the Apple II Apple Inc. - Corporate History
27 Dec 1979 - 15 Feb 1989 31.6 - 40.7 Soviet-Afghan War (1979-1989) Wars & Military Conflicts
22 Sep 1980 - 20 Aug 1988 32.3 - 40.2 First Gulf War ('Iran-Iraq War') Wars & Military Conflicts
20 Jan 1981 - 20 Jan 1989 32.7 - 40.7 President of the United States of America: Ronald Reagan USA - Presidents
2 Apr 1982 - 14 Jun 1982 33.9 - 34.1 Falklands War Wars & Military Conflicts
1 Oct 1982 - 27 Oct 1998 34.4 - 50.4 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Helmut Kohl Germany - Chancellors
19 Jan 1983 34.7 Introduction of the Apple Lisa Apple Inc. - Corporate History
1983 35.1 Discovery of HIV Medicine
24 Jan 1984 35.7 Introduction of the Macintosh Apple Inc. - Corporate History
20 Jan 1989 - 20 Jan 1993 40.7 - 44.7 President of the United States of America: George H. W. Bush USA - Presidents
18 Oct 1989 - 3 Dec 1989 41.4 - 41.5 Egon Krenz - Chairman of the Council of State of the GDR GDR
2 Aug 1990 - 28 Feb 1991 42.2 - 42.8 Second Gulf War ('Operation Desert Shield', 'Operation Desert Storm') Wars & Military Conflicts
3 Oct 1990 42.4 German reunification Germany
8 Dec 1991 43.5 Signing of the Belavezha Accords, declaring the Soviet Union dissolved Russia
1992 - 1996 44.1 - 48.1 Afghan Civil War Wars & Military Conflicts
20 Jan 1993 - 20 Jan 2001 44.7 - 52.7 President of the United States of America: Bill Clinton USA - Presidents
4 Aug 1993 45.2 Introduction of the Apple Newton Apple Inc. - Corporate History
1 Nov 1993 45.4 Founding of the European Union (EU) Europian Union
1994 - 1996 46.1 - 48.1 First Chechen War ('War in Chechnya') Wars & Military Conflicts
17 Jan 1995 46.7 Kobe Earthquake Disasters
1998 - 2003 50.1 - 55.1 Second Congo War ('Great War of Africa') Wars & Military Conflicts
1998 - 1999 50.1 - 51.1 Kosovo War ('Kosovo Conflict') Wars & Military Conflicts
15 Aug 1998 50.2 Introduction of the Apple iMac Apple Inc. - Corporate History
27 Oct 1998 - 22 Nov 2005 50.4 - 57.5 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Gerhard Schröder Germany - Chancellors
1 Jan 1999 50.6 ECU as an internal accounting unit in the European Community Europian Union
20 Jan 2001 - 20 Jan 2009 52.7 - 60.7 President of the United States of America: George W. Bush USA - Presidents
11 Sep 2001 53.3 September 11 attacks ('9/11') USA
7 Oct 2001 - Today 53.4 Afghanistan War Wars & Military Conflicts
23 Oct 2001 53.4 Apple iPod introduced Apple Inc. - Corporate History
1 Jan 2002 53.6 Introduction of the Euro Europian Union
20 Mar 2003 - 1 May 2003 54.8 - 55.0 Third Gulf War ('Iraq War') Wars & Military Conflicts
26 Dec 2004 56.6 Indian Ocean Tsunami Disasters
6 Jun 2005 57.1 Apple switches to Intel CPU architecture Apple Inc. - Corporate History
22 Nov 2005 - Today 57.5 Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: Angela Merkel Germany - Chancellors
9 Jan 2007 58.6 Introduction of the Apple iPhone Apple Inc. - Corporate History
20 Jan 2009 - Today 60.7 President of the United States of America: Barack Obama USA - Presidents