Fred Deakin


Fred Deakin Peter William Weekes William Robert Weekes Lucy Evelyn Risley Paula Steele-Turner Leslie Ashton Steele-Turner Pauline Joyce Hankins Isabel Gail Beckerleg Thomas Michael Beckerleg Gordon Raby Beckerleg Mavis Vera Bennetts Isabel Webster Kennedy Donald Stewart Kennedy Mary Turnbull Gilchrist Steve Deakin-Beckerleg Mason Storm Deakin-Beckerleg Molly Susannah Francis

Additional Names

Type Name
Last Name at Birth Kevin Ian Steele-Turner


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth
 Peter William Weekes 20th December 1940  Paula Steele-Turner 7th June 1946

Partners & Children

Partners Date of Birth Children
 Isabel Gail Beckerleg 2nd February 1970  Steve Deakin-Beckerleg
 Mason Storm Deakin-Beckerleg
 Molly Susannah Francis 21st December 1973


Event Type Date Place Description
Birth 9th December 1965 Wareham, Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom


Fact Description
Eye Color Brown





NameDegree of KinshipDate of BirthPlace of BirthDate of DeathPlace of Death
Isabel Gail Beckerleg (Burley)Partner or Wife2nd February 1970
Molly Susannah FrancisPartner or Wife21st December 1973
Brothers & Sisters
Amber DeakinHalf Sister12th February 1980Truro, Cornwall, England
Billy George DeakinHalf Brother21st June 1978Truro, Truro, Cornwall
Tracy DeakinHalf Sister25th June 1970St. Helier Hospital, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom
Timothy Stephen WeekesHalf BrotherMarch 1969Sutton, Greater London, England
Paul Martin WeekesHalf BrotherMarch 1970Sutton, Greater London, England
Mason Storm Deakin-BeckerlegSon18th September 1993Treliske Hospital, Truro, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Steve Deakin-BeckerlegSon30th July 1991Treliske Hospital, Truro, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Paula Steele-Turner (Deakin)Mother7th June 1946Surrey North Western, Surrey, England
Peter William WeekesFather20th December 1940Watford, Buckinghamshire, England
Leslie Ashton Steele-TurnerGrandfather14th August 1920Southwark, London, EnglandMarch 1982Sutton, Greater London, England
Lucy Evelyn RisleyGrandmother28th November 1906Bethnal Green, London, EnglandMarch 1977Surrey Mid Eastern, London, England
Pauline Joyce HankinsGrandmother29th March 1923Croydon, Kent, England10th September 2001Sutton, Surrey, England
William Robert WeekesGrandfatherDecember 1906Holbron, London, England
Great grandparents
Evangcline Jane HoppingGreat grandmother
Gertrude WellsGreat grandmother
Maud Amelia (Weekes)Great grandmother
Percy S C HankinsGreat grandfather
Sidney Herbert RisleyGreat grandfather
William Robert WeekesGreat grandfather
Kate Elizabeth SteelGreat grandmotherSeptember 1893Kennington, London, England
James Joseph TurnerGreat grandfatherSeptember 1894St. Olave, Southwark, London, England
Second great grandparents
Charles RisleySecond great grandfather
Charles W TurnerSecond great grandfather
Elizabeth MorrisSecond great grandmother
Emma S (Risley)Second great grandmother
Esther (Weekes)Second great grandmother
James WeekesSecond great grandfather
Jessie MclarenSecond great grandmother
John WellsSecond great grandfather
Mary Ann WilliamsSecond great grandmother
Rosa (Rosetta) WooldridgeSecond great grandmother
Samuel S HankinsSecond great grandfather
Thomas E SteelSecond great grandfather
Third great grandparents
Charles HankinsThird great grandfather
Edward TurnerThird great grandfather
Elizabeth A ManningThird great grandmother
Elizabeth MannThird great grandmother
Harriet DyerThird great grandmother
Harriet SmithThird great grandmother
Henry SteelThird great grandfather
James WeekesThird great grandfather
Martha (UNKNOWN)Third great grandmother
Martha (Weekes)Third great grandmother
Mary (UNKNOWN)Third great grandmother
Robert WellsThird great grandfather
William MorrisThird great grandfather
William WilliamsThird great grandfather
Fourth great grandparents
Ann (Weekes)Fourth great grandmother
ArabellaFourth great grandmother
Charles TurnerFourth great grandfather
ElizabethFourth great grandmother
JemimaFourth great grandmother
Susan (UNKNOWN)Fourth great grandmother
Thomas ManningFourth great grandfather
Thomas SteelFourth great grandfather
William MorrisFourth great grandfather
William WeekesFourth great grandfather
Nephews & Nieces
Amie Lambert-DeakinNiece
Lily Lambert-DeakinNiece
Uncles & Aunts
Bruno TurnerUncle
Nigel TurnerUncle
David S WeekesUncleDecember 1940Watford, Buckinghamshire, England
Timothy TurnerAuntJune 1948Surrey Mid Eastern, Surrey, England
Great uncles & Great aunts
Charles HankinsGreat uncle
Donald HankinsGreat uncle
James Charles WeekesGreat uncle
Joan HankinsGreat aunt
Maud Patricia WeekesGreat aunt
Muriel HankinsGreat aunt
Percy (Sammy) HankinsGreat uncle
Stella HankinsGreat aunt
Thomas WeekesGreat uncle
Valerie Steele-TurnerGreat aunt
Great great (uncles & aunts)
Andrew Ernest RisleyGreat great uncle
Anne WeekesGreat great aunt
Barbara A WellsGreat great aunt
Charles Montague RisleyGreat great uncle
Charles WeekesGreat great uncle
Ellen K WellsGreat great aunt
Emily F HankinsGreat great aunt
Esther WeekesGreat great aunt
Florence Grace RisleyGreat great aunt
Joseph DaneyGreat great uncle
Louisa M RisleyGreat great aunt
Martha WeekesGreat great aunt
Mary WellsGreat great aunt
Thomas WeekesGreat great uncle
3xGreat (uncles & aunts)
Ann Weekes3xGreat aunt
Charles Hankins3xGreat uncle
Edward Turner3xGreat uncle
Elizabeth Turner3xGreat aunt
Frederick Williams3xGreat uncle
Helen Wells3xGreat aunt
James Hankins3xGreat uncle
John Williams3xGreat uncle
Lilias Wells3xGreat aunt
Martha Weekes3xGreat aunt
Mary Anne Wells3xGreat aunt
Mathius Morris3xGreat uncle
Thomas Weekes3xGreat uncle
4xGreat (uncles & aunts)
Ann Steel4xGreat aunt
Ann Weekes4xGreat aunt
Caroline Steel4xGreat aunt
Charles Turner4xGreat uncle
Edwin Steel4xGreat uncle
Eliza Weekes4xGreat aunt
Emma Weekes4xGreat aunt
Frederic Turner4xGreat uncle
Henry Weekes4xGreat uncle
Jemima Turner4xGreat aunt
Louisa Weekes4xGreat aunt
Mary Steel4xGreat aunt
Matilda Weekes4xGreat aunt
Sarah Ann Weekes4xGreat aunt
Sophia Steel4xGreat aunt
Thomas Manning4xGreat uncle
William Manning4xGreat uncle
William Turner4xGreat uncle
William Weekes4xGreat uncle
Benjamin TurnerFirst cousin (m)
Emma A TurnerFirst cousin (f)
Mary S TurnerFirst cousin (f)
Oliver TurnerFirst cousin (m)
Sally H TurnerFirst cousin (f)
Gerard (Jed) William WeekesFirst cousin (m)March 1967Tonbridge, Kent, England
Richard David WeekesFirst cousin (m)June 1970Surrey Mid Eastern, Surrey, England
Second cousins
Bernadette PicaSecond cousin (f)
Carly PowellSecond cousin (f)
Claire M WilkinsSecond cousin (f)
Hannah DawesSecond cousin (f)
James S BeilbySecond cousin (m)
Jeremy NottSecond cousin (m)
Justin M WilliamsSecond cousin (m)
Karen A WilkinsSecond cousin (f)
Kerry PowellSecond cousin (f)
Patrick PicaSecond cousin (m)
Rebecca L BeilbySecond cousin (f)
Trudi NottSecond cousin (f)
Zoe DawesSecond cousin (f)
1st cousins once removed up
Andrew J Beilby1st cousin once removed up (m)
Cedric Sansom1st cousin once removed up (m)
Coral Clark1st cousin once removed up (f)
David Juraschka1st cousin once removed up (m)
Deborah A Beilby1st cousin once removed up (f)
Jean Hankins1st cousin once removed up (f)
Keith Hankins1st cousin once removed up (m)
Linda C Beilby1st cousin once removed up (f)
Linda Hankins1st cousin once removed up (f)
Nicola Corbridge1st cousin once removed up (f)
Pamela Hankins1st cousin once removed up (f)
Patricia Hankins1st cousin once removed up (f)
Petrina Corbridge1st cousin once removed up (f)
Rogon Corbridge1st cousin once removed up (m)
1st cousins twice removed up
Arthur Risley1st cousin twice removed up (m)
Barbara Dowden1st cousin twice removed up (f)
Charles (Chas) George Joseph Risley1st cousin twice removed up (m)
Edwardus Risley1st cousin twice removed up (m)
Ellen Eliza Risley1st cousin twice removed up (f)
Florence Risley1st cousin twice removed up (f)
Margaret C Risley1st cousin twice removed up (f)
Maud Risley1st cousin twice removed up (f)
Rose Risley1st cousin twice removed up (f)
2nd cousins once removed up
Jane Buckle2nd cousin once removed up (f)
1st cousins once removed
Issac Wright1st cousin once removed (m)
James R Townsend1st cousin once removed (m)
Joshua Lyons1st cousin once removed (m)
Lulu C Townsend1st cousin once removed (f)
2nd cousins once removed
Callum Pica2nd cousin once removed (m)
Flynn Manning2nd cousin once removed (m)
Samuel Jackson2nd cousin once removed (m)

World History